BLT Biolight patient monitor
廣東寶萊特醫用科技股份有限公司成立於1993年,是國家發改委授予的唯一的"國家多參數監護儀產業化基地",坐落在珠海,現有廠房建築面積20000多平方米。經過多年的不斷努力和創新,"寶萊特監護儀"已經成為中國監護儀市場第一民族品牌。 2011年,寶萊特公司在深交所成功上市,股票代碼300246。
Guangdong Bao Wright Medical Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 1993, the National Development and Reform Commission awarded the only "national multi-parameter monitor industrialization base," is located in Zhuhai, the existing plant construction area of over 20,000 square meters. After years of continuous efforts and innovation, "Po Wright Monitor" has become the first national brand in the Chinese market monitor. In 2011, Bao Laite company successfully listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the stock code 300246.